Thursday, October 23, 2014

                                           Fellowship !!!

Lord ! help me and let me have fellowship with people You have placed in my life..only up to the level set by You - not lower and definitely not higher.

My Parents, Uncle and Aunty, Sisters, friends and many other blood bought relatives in Christ.
Yes, Lord everyone has 'a place', a well defined place and each place constitutes certain privileges, certain restrictions, certain level of openness and certain level of reservedness. Lord, let me not define it...Let me yield to Your definition ..... Please, lest i fail and grieve the Holy Spirit who is my guide in matters of this life.

If I have deprived anyone of certain rights they should have as they constitute a particular 'level of fellowship', Lord give me light in this matter, and help me rectify it. Also if i have given someone much more then they ought to have, retrain me me !!!

According to me .. the levels of fellowship are like 'streams of flowing water', flowing out from a mountain ... just like river Jordan flows out from Lebanon Mountain Range at Mount Hermon.

You are the mountain Lord, the HEAD..the SOURCE....and out of You flows these streams ..some large, some small, some fresh, some not much, some smooth and some rough!!
These streams flow over me ...i being 'the surface'..'the ground', over which they flow. These streams help me, nourish me, clean me up and also smoothen the rough surfaces.  
Oh !!
Lord....its so true .. in Your words once explained by Bro. Zac Poonen..."Holiness without fellowship with others is a deception." 
For a few years ..i did believe in the fake isolated holiness...that had a unique definition that 'i' could live a holy life..all by was all about i..i and i.
Then You Lord in Your mercy placed a horizontal bar upon me and the 'I' got transformed into a 'Cross'...
and now its all about taking up the Cross. This fellowship with the people at different levels, gives me numerous opportunities to rise higher and higher .. overcoming many weaknesses through Your strength.

I am the ground,
Upon which the streams flow
It makes my spirit sound,
alive and ever-glow.

How can i live this Christian life,
All alone without a company
In fellowship sweet, i find the joy 
peace, love and eternal symphony.

Thank You Lord, for creating me,
for this life that is artistic with twisty designs,
i can enjoy a heavenly life here on earth,
When i abide in Thee - the True Vine !!

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