Thursday, October 30, 2014

                                   Jesus is a person !!!!

Yes !! Jesus is God and yet He is a person.... How can i treat Him as if He doesn't exist or as if He is only an 'On Demand Aladdin Genie'. No! not so!!
First of all, i have to myself repent of all the numerous occasions when i did not show Him the due respect that i would have easily shown to any person whether known or unknown.

For example when we speak to someone or even message someone, do we abruptly stop the conversation and get ourselves involved into something else .. No !!
We all have the courtesy to at least end the conversation by saying a 'Bye' or 'take care'. Yet when it comes to Jesus, we have taken things for granted. "If you will not consider Him as a person, He will also not be revealed to you as a person".
That was the mistake i was making for many years..i have innocently even cried in the name of Jesus...

Holy Spirit i know You..i can hear Your voice daily...!
Father i know You...i am witnessing Your love daily..!
Jesus..i don't know You as i should or as i see other Godly men and women do ...!!

Oh!! He never revealed Himself to me as a person because i never considered Him to be one..He was only God to me...By this i mean i knew that He was a person too..yet i never practiced it.

I never gave Him my daily 'Good mornings..' maybe once in a while ... nor did i ever give Him my sweet 'good nights'. I never smiled at him when He did many caring and marvelous things for me. Oh!! i never considered Him what i should have ....
Life would have become so wonderful had i followed this earlier..yet its not late even now...
Am i right Jesus ???? :) 
I can start this today..from this very second.
You said it in the book of John.."in this world you will have many troubles, but be of good cheer..because i have overcome this world."

What a promise! I need not be worrying about my future, my needs or about any relationship.
Oh!! You have overcome everything !! Recently i have begun to pray this way...
" Lord!! may the level of relationships in my life be imbalanced !! always..."
What ?? imbalanced ..are you serious jesse ???
Surprised !! Yes that's what i mean it to be. 
Jesus should always be the occupant of the highest level of all relationships. It's only after Him that  others would get filled. Let it be anyone...even someone who is now very dear to me !!
Jesus first..... then the rest...!!
So always an imbalance. Never should this level be
straighten up, even after my marriage, even after i have a couple of kids :).....
Jesus 'THE highest' and then others....!!!
How can this be made possible ?? 
1) By having a close fellowship with Jesus. 2) By the power of the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

                                           Fellowship !!!

Lord ! help me and let me have fellowship with people You have placed in my life..only up to the level set by You - not lower and definitely not higher.

My Parents, Uncle and Aunty, Sisters, friends and many other blood bought relatives in Christ.
Yes, Lord everyone has 'a place', a well defined place and each place constitutes certain privileges, certain restrictions, certain level of openness and certain level of reservedness. Lord, let me not define it...Let me yield to Your definition ..... Please, lest i fail and grieve the Holy Spirit who is my guide in matters of this life.

If I have deprived anyone of certain rights they should have as they constitute a particular 'level of fellowship', Lord give me light in this matter, and help me rectify it. Also if i have given someone much more then they ought to have, retrain me me !!!

According to me .. the levels of fellowship are like 'streams of flowing water', flowing out from a mountain ... just like river Jordan flows out from Lebanon Mountain Range at Mount Hermon.

You are the mountain Lord, the HEAD..the SOURCE....and out of You flows these streams ..some large, some small, some fresh, some not much, some smooth and some rough!!
These streams flow over me ...i being 'the surface'..'the ground', over which they flow. These streams help me, nourish me, clean me up and also smoothen the rough surfaces.  
Oh !!
Lord....its so true .. in Your words once explained by Bro. Zac Poonen..."Holiness without fellowship with others is a deception." 
For a few years ..i did believe in the fake isolated holiness...that had a unique definition that 'i' could live a holy life..all by was all about i..i and i.
Then You Lord in Your mercy placed a horizontal bar upon me and the 'I' got transformed into a 'Cross'...
and now its all about taking up the Cross. This fellowship with the people at different levels, gives me numerous opportunities to rise higher and higher .. overcoming many weaknesses through Your strength.

I am the ground,
Upon which the streams flow
It makes my spirit sound,
alive and ever-glow.

How can i live this Christian life,
All alone without a company
In fellowship sweet, i find the joy 
peace, love and eternal symphony.

Thank You Lord, for creating me,
for this life that is artistic with twisty designs,
i can enjoy a heavenly life here on earth,
When i abide in Thee - the True Vine !!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Different Value System

                          A Different Value System

Yes.. it is often misunderstood that believers shouldn't be adventurous, they should be serene, and their activities limited to being a member in the church choir group. Yet i do not very much agree to this value system as we believers can enjoy each and every sport that human beings have invented by the wisdom that they have received from God with the exemption of those sports that doesn't qualify this commandment - 'not to test God!'

What does that mean? Paul says that all things may be permissible yet not all things are profitable. Once in a while, its fine to enjoy a particular sport when God gives you the opportunity to do so, let it be the trilling sky diving or caving!!! The problem lies only when you use these sports for 'self gratification'. There shouldn't be anything or anyone in this world that would take control of your passion or will. You should not get addicted to it. You should be able to rule over every passion that you have, every desire, every hobby, every gift..every thing ........

That's the reason i quite often make it sure to buffet this body of mine...not as the world would do, by piercing it or wounding it. No so !! By restricting certain daily permissible things to help this body understand that my joy lies in something much more than the mortal world could give me. 
This applies to wives and mothers as well..never to love their husbands or children more than the Creator Himself.
Our Creator is not a dictator....come on...He doesn't come approaching us with a whip saying .."love me !" He wants us to live the life to the fullest in this world .. 'yet be fruitful - by doing all things according to the will of the Father...'(John 15:8 and Matt 7:21)

As for me ...Jesus alone is my Tutor when it comes to riding a scooter, my Instructor while driving a car, my Guide in all other important matters of my life..and a very close Companion in  the decisions that i make about myself.
He always reminds me that even a step that i take without Him besides me, would only make me land in trouble. He helps me to take up each step of my personal life in the reverential fear of God, my Father..and His Father. Even every word that i use while chatting or sending SMS....He directs me like an English and Moral Science Teacher, making sure i give room to no ungodly statements..( Yes, i should admit that i sometimes slip here or there, quite often maybe ..yet He is faithful enough to pull me back to His side again ..)

Thus He takes care of every molecule of this body.. When He does sooooo much for me selfish it would be on my part..if i begin to choose things for myself .. just to satisfy my desires...and not depend on Him for EVERYTHING.!!!